From Insights to Impact

A blog about data: for educators, by an educator

Jessica Lane Jessica Lane

Classroom Observations: The Data You Might Be Missing

In the world of education, data often brings about images of spreadsheets, test scores, and attendance records. But there's a different kind of data that might be slipping through the cracks – the insights gained from informal classroom observations. Let's talk about this often-overlooked goldmine of information and why it's crucial in understanding student learning and behavior.

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Jessica Lane Jessica Lane

Homework Data: More Than Just a Completion Check

Homework data is more than a completion check; it's a window into the educational needs and abilities of our students. By leveraging this data, educators can transform their teaching strategies, making learning more effective and responsive to student needs.

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Jessica Lane Jessica Lane

Overcoming Data Overwhelm: Practical Strategies for School Administrators

In the world of education, data is like a double-edged sword. On one side, it's an invaluable resource for informed decision-making. On the other, it can be overwhelming, like trying to drink from a firehose. For school administrators, managing and interpreting large volumes of data is part of the daily grind. But don’t be scared! Let's explore some practical strategies to turn data overwhelm into data empowerment.

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Jessica Lane Jessica Lane

What Your Principal Really Means When They Ask If You Are Using Data

When your principal asks if you're using data, take it as an opportunity to discuss your data-informed teaching strategies. It's a chance to showcase how you're using data to make a real difference in your students' learning journey. Remember, in the world of education, data is more than numbers; it's a roadmap to better teaching and learning.

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Jessica Lane Jessica Lane

Data-Informed Decision Making: A Game Changer for School Leaders

For school leaders, data-informed decision making is more than a strategy; it's a mindset. It transforms the way decisions are made, ensuring they are grounded in reality and focused on tangible outcomes. It's time for school leaders to embrace this approach and witness the transformative impact it can have on their schools. After all, in the game of educational leadership, the best play you can call is the one informed by data.

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Jessica Lane Jessica Lane

Attendance Data: The Untold Story of Student Engagement

Attendance data is more than a list of who showed up and who didn't. It's like a mood ring for the classroom, giving us insights into student engagement. The next time you look at attendance figures, remember: they're more than numbers. They're insights into the hearts and minds of your students, waiting to be understood and acted upon.

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